Blog Post 1 - 2/1/19

1. How was the process of creating the GMail account and setting up the Blog?
It was a fairly easy and straightforward process to create the blog. I used a GMail account that I already had set up and check frequently. 
2. What do you expect to learn in this course?
I expect to have a better understanding of the basics of contemporary art after completing this course. I do not currently have much experience in understanding the principles of visual art, and do not have a solid framework to be able to look at a piece of art and critique it in any nuanced way. I hope this course will allow me to do so. 
3. How do you feel about taking an online course?
I feel good about taking an online course such as this. I feel as if this is a course where it will be easier to complete online rather than meeting in a physical classroom. I like the ability to complete the assignments at my own pace throughout the week. 
4. What three things in the Growth Mindset (from Step 3) videos do you believe most apply to you?
-The process of learning new information, like working out a muscle, takes time, effort, and repetition.
-Working hard includes having good communication with professors as well as forming study groups with other students.
-Time management is critical to performing well in my classes. Making priorities is essential for success. This is especially important when taking online classes like this one. 
