Module 16 Reflections
1. What were you expectations for this course and where they met? My expectations were to learn as much as possible about how to analyze art as well as learn about the history behind different art movements and styles. These expectations were met for the most part. 2. Now that you've been through this course, What is art? How would you define it now compared to your intial posting? Art is a reflection on society through a specific medium. I understand the societal influences on art more now that I have completed this course. 3. Who was your favorite artist in your original posting and who is your favorite visual artist now? If there is a difference, why do you think so? If you have the same favorite artist, why do you think so? My favorite artist in my original posting was Mark Rothko, and now it would be between him, Henri Matisse, and Fransisco Goya. Studying these individuals has been informative and enjoyable for me, and I feel like I appreciate more styles o...